Tuesday, November 1, 2011


So, wow.  How long has it been since my last post?  Gonna have to get a routine if I'm ever going to get on here regularly!

So, Halloween was just here and my dear daughter decided to be BatGirl.  Hmm, not exactly the princess she used to want to dress up as, but still fun and somewhat girly.  Let's just say I don't really do store bought costumes and decided to tackle yet another costume for her halloween trick or treating adventure!  I have been making them since she turned 3 (My mom made the two before that!), so it's going to become a tradition I think!

Motivation didn't really strike me until Sunday though when by then, all I had was the sweatshirt screenprinted and nothing else done!  Enter the marathon sewing and crafting experience that is most representative of my life!

Here is the final outfit.  Black pants she wore to school.  Hanes sweatshirt with screenprinted bat symbol.  Metallic gold cuffs and "boots".   Belt with handpainted wood symbol and black cape and hood sewn quickly with love!

Can  you tell she was happy to be in it and going trick or treating?

She's such a poser!  Hope you all had a great Halloween!

1 comment:

DA&B said...

Such a great costume!!! She looked so cute as Bat Girl! - Great job on the sewing - looks fabulous!!