Friday, August 19, 2011

Friday-No different than any other day.

So, today I've been thinking.  I do a lot of thinking, not always a  lot of doing.  Anyway, I've been thinking lately about how my life seems to not be anything I thought it would be.  Too many times I hear, I need that, I want that, we HAVE to have this!  I feel like we could own everything in the world and still not be happy, especially if we aren't happy with who we are.  At least for me, that's true.

I'm trying to make a conscious effort to not have so much "stuff" and really focus on the real things we need in life.  I want to look back on my daughter's life and really know that I didn't miss as much as I think I do and gave her lots of fun memories.   I want her to remember spending time with her grandparents and how cool they are (because seriously, they are all so talented it's crazy).  It's funny, I was talking with my neighbor and she asked how my work at home job was working out.  I said it was still hard to find the right balance between work and family and to always seem to be making a choice whether it's work more or spend more time with family.  She said when her kids were younger, she made the decision not to work and her husband supported that, they may have went without things, but the important thing was that she was available as a mom when her kids needed her and they spent time together as a family.  I really think that thinking is what keeps coming back to me.  I get stressed out (seriously, I don't know how I made it through high school and college doing all the things I did and wasn't totally burnt out and stressed majorly, perhaps i have some weird hormonal imbalance now...) easily when I'm trying to complete something for work and have to stop to deal with stuff at home,  life shouldn't be this complicated.  REALLY, I feel like I've made it complicated for myself.

So, I've been thinking how to accomplish this?  I don't really know, but I know that I'll try as much as I can.  One day, maybe just one day, I'll figure it out and share it with the whole world, until then, I'll keep stumbling along.
 Most bloggers have such smart and witty things to say, well, if you do, please comment and I'll read it.  I need to start looking up verses and things that make sense to share and hopefully it will not only help me, but also others reading this. 

Oh, and the tutorial, still yet to come.  See what I mean?  Lots of thinking, need to do more doing from my thinking! 

Friday, August 5, 2011

A Typical Night at my house

Well, perhaps some one wonders why I titled my blog, Finding My Island. 

I often joke about needing to go away, by myself, to my own little island before I literally go crazy.  Here's a little example of why I say this....

Last night I was woken up by our daughter.  She was not really speaking in anything audible besides asking me to sleep in her room with her.  I will typically do this for a few minutes, then sneak out of her bed.  Well, I'm pretty much blind without my glasses but I can navigate to her room from mine, so I didn't put these on.

I'm standing in her room trying to get her to get in her bed and she starts screaming.  Really?  What time is it?  Geez Louise.  Okay, calm down I say, she's pointing to where I'm standing and I'm like, what, what do you see?  Evidently I stepped right in the cat vomit on the floor-NICE.

So I got her in bed, went and hobble back to my bathroom where I washed my foot, grabbed some cleaner and paper towels.  (At this point I put my glasses on, you never know if there is more than one spot with my cats).  Yep, two spots. Ugh.

So, back to bed at 1:13 in the morning and now I'm wide awake.  Really and people wonder why I want to go away, far far away....

The good news?  It's Friday and I don't have to work on Monday or Tuesday!  Yay! 

BTW- I'm hoping to post a create tutorial today or tomorrow, but I do tend to find other things that keep me from doing this! 

Oh, and one may wonder where the sweet child's father is-he was sleeping.....NICE isn't it?

Monday, August 1, 2011

Okay, I finally did it!

For years, my sister has been telling me that I need to write all the stuff down that happens in my family, whether good or bad, as a way to help me get through the good times and the bad.  So, after the long stalling attempt, I decided what the heck, let's try it and see what happens.  I can't guarantee that it will encompass anything of substance, but I'm sure it will be fun as we go along the way! 

I hope to incorporate my interests in this blog as well, with hopefully fun tutorials and anything else that interests me and hopefully some of my followers!