Monday, May 14, 2012

Happy Mothers Day

Mothers day was yesterday and what a nice day we had!  I have been busy with work and then spent the last half of the week baking for a teacher luncheon at Mikay's school.  Teacher appreciation is really important.  Just remember that they are working hard trying to teach your child with lots of other kids in the mix!
So... here's the first cake I made (keep in mind, I've not had any training, I just do what I like)

Then I had LOTs of cupcakes leftover, so I decorated them quickly for a pic for Mothers Day. 

Who doesn't love a toothy grin?!!!?  To all you moms out there, hope you had a great Mother's day!


Friday, March 30, 2012

Spring Break is approaching!

Hey all!  I haven't been blogging much, guess my creative juices and complaining genes have dissapated enough to keep me from blogging about it!  Or...I just forget and didn't make time to do it!   I would say it's probably the latter!

So.. spring break starts next week and that should be fun.  The hubby is off work and will help out with Mikay and I'll get to sit at the computer all day and work.  Here's a super easy fun project she and I just completed before dinner last night.  She's such the artist in the household.  She wanted to add more paint elsewhere on the shirt, but I had to squash that a bit, it just looked great with what she put on!

This is what happens when I purchase things without her and she doesn't like it!  I figured if we didn't add something to it, it would be sitting in the drawer until she out grew it.  Simple and easy, just painted with fabric paints, she can't wait to wear it now!