Friday, August 5, 2011

A Typical Night at my house

Well, perhaps some one wonders why I titled my blog, Finding My Island. 

I often joke about needing to go away, by myself, to my own little island before I literally go crazy.  Here's a little example of why I say this....

Last night I was woken up by our daughter.  She was not really speaking in anything audible besides asking me to sleep in her room with her.  I will typically do this for a few minutes, then sneak out of her bed.  Well, I'm pretty much blind without my glasses but I can navigate to her room from mine, so I didn't put these on.

I'm standing in her room trying to get her to get in her bed and she starts screaming.  Really?  What time is it?  Geez Louise.  Okay, calm down I say, she's pointing to where I'm standing and I'm like, what, what do you see?  Evidently I stepped right in the cat vomit on the floor-NICE.

So I got her in bed, went and hobble back to my bathroom where I washed my foot, grabbed some cleaner and paper towels.  (At this point I put my glasses on, you never know if there is more than one spot with my cats).  Yep, two spots. Ugh.

So, back to bed at 1:13 in the morning and now I'm wide awake.  Really and people wonder why I want to go away, far far away....

The good news?  It's Friday and I don't have to work on Monday or Tuesday!  Yay! 

BTW- I'm hoping to post a create tutorial today or tomorrow, but I do tend to find other things that keep me from doing this! 

Oh, and one may wonder where the sweet child's father is-he was sleeping.....NICE isn't it?

1 comment:

mikaysmom said...

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