Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Hey there!  It's been a while since posting, so thought I need to get back into a routine.  I hope to post at least once a week (or more, maybe I will start finding some great crafty things to put on here!)  So what's been going on? 
Well, the Saturday before school started for my little girl, I had to take my little kitty boy to the vet for the dreaded visit.  I seriously put this off for so long because I love him so.  He had been diagnosed with liver disease in April and at that point the only thing we could do was have an ultrasound and possible biopsy to determine the cause of the liver not functioning properly.  The poor boy had already been through much as a young kitten and we decided not to further the stress on him.  I am still feeling guilty and grieving the loss of him in our household.  Thank goodness I have friends and family that understand how attached we get to our furbabies and that they really are part of our family.
My daughter started 1st grade this year and she's proving that it may be an interesting year.  On the THIRD day of school, I received a call from her teacher.  She wasn't really being disruptive, but I would call it being rude and disrespectful to her teacher.  Really, my child?  Ugh.  Well, as a former teacher, I was mortified that I had not prepared her better or something.  I realize that she has a mind of her own and she says school isn't fun, but wow, I never thought my child would be a "problem" at school.  I've been assured that it will get better, but I feel like utter failure!
Let's see...
Oh, my birthday!  Let's just say that my birthday was OK.  I loved that my mom and sister showed up a few days before and my sister got me the most awesome gift ever! (Warning:  This is probably only awesome for those of you who like to create or are artists or something)  I had told her that I really wanted one of those KID's (yes, I'm 35 and I look at kid's art kits all the time) screen printing kits from ToysRus.  So, while on the phone with her one day, she went there, saw them, proceeded to go to Hobby Lobby and got me the coolest screen printing kit for ADULTS!  Yay, I love it and I love her!  So they both came over and we experimented with screen printing for the first time.  I'm totally hooked.

Pictures on what we did are to come for sure.

My hubby on the other hand doesn't seem to put as much thought or effort into remembering things.  For years, I've asked him to make a cake on my birthday (since I do it for the rest of the family) and he still hasn't achieved that.  I'm not asking for a designer cake here, just a cake, with store bought frosting if necessary.  Really, is that asking too much?  OK, I know I'm hard on him and he did get me some nice things, but he didn't have to get me stuff, he could have just made the cake-anyone else here love cake? 

We also celebrated my parent's 40th wedding anniversary this month.  Wow is all I can say.  I've only been married for 12 years and am wondering how we will make it.  Congratualtions to them! 

I guess that's all. 
For my sister: I will try and get that darn tutorial up soon.  You can see, I need to be compelled to do these things....

Tata for now...

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